The Gyrinidae (Coleoptera) fauna of Thailand: Key to tribes and genera, with new records and keys to species of Dineutini and Gyrinini

Benjamart Suksai, Grey T. Gustafson, Robert W. Sites, Narumon Sangpradub

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Eighteen species and four genera of the family Gyrinidae are recorded from Thailand. Seven species, belonging to three genera in the tribes Dineutini and Gyrinini, are here treated in detail. Dineutus sitesi Gustafson, Hájek & Miller, D. spinosus (Fabricius), D. unidentatus Aubé, Porrorhynchus marginatus Laporte and Gyrinus sericeolimbatus Régimbart were already known, whereas D. australis (Fabricius) and Gyrinus smaragdinus Régimbart are recorded for the first time. Diagnoses, distribution maps and keys to tribes, genera, and all species of Dineutus and Gyrinus occurring in Thailand are provided. The fourth genus, Patrus (tribe Orectochilini), has been partly revised in a preceding paper.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)97-117
Number of pages21
Issue number1
StatePublished - Nov 22 2021


  • Coleoptera
  • Dineutini
  • Gyrinidae
  • Gyrinini
  • Thailand
  • first records
  • key to taxa
  • whirligig beetle

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  • Animal Science and Zoology


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