Studying the complexity of change: Toward an analytical framework for understanding deliberate social-ecological transformations

Michele Lee Moore, Ola Tjornbo, Elin Enfors, Corrie Knapp, Jennifer Hodbod, Jacopo A. Baggio, Albert Norström, Per Olsson, Duan Biggs

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

288 Scopus citations


Faced with numerous seemingly intractable social and environmental challenges, many scholars and practitioners are increasingly interested in understanding how to actively engage and transform the existing systems holding such problems in place. Although a variety of analytical models have emerged in recent years, most emphasize either the social or ecological elements of such transformations rather than their coupled nature. To address this, first we have presented a definition of the core elements of a socialecological system (SES) that could potentially be altered in a transformation. Second, we drew on insights about transformation from three branches of literature focused on radical change, i.e., social movements, socio-technical transitions, and social innovation, and gave consideration to the similarities and differences with the current studies by resilience scholars. Drawing on these findings, we have proposed a framework that outlines the process and phases of transformative change in an SES. Future research will be able to utilize the framework as a tool for analyzing the alteration of social-ecological feedbacks, identifying critical barriers and leverage points and assessing the outcome of social-ecological transformations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number54
JournalEcology and Society
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Resilience
  • Social innovation
  • Social movements
  • Social-ecological systems
  • Transformation
  • Transition management

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ecology


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