Parents’ Color-Blind Racial Ideology and Implicit Racial Attitudes Predict Children’s Race-Based Sympathy

Wen Wang, Tracy L. Spinrad, Deborah J. Laible, Jayley Janssen, Sonya Xinyue Xiao, Jingyi Xu, Rebecca H. Berger, Nancy Eisenberg, Gustavo Carlo, Diana E. Gal-Szabo, Ashley Fraser, Jamie Lopez, Xiaoye Xu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


We examined the relation of White parents’ color-blind racial attitudes (a global composite score and its subscales) and their implicit racial attitudes to their young children’s race-based sympathy toward Black and White victims. One hundred and nighty non-Hispanic White children (54% boys, Mage = 7.13 years, SD = 0.92) reported their sympathy in response to short films depicting bullying toward White or Black children. Their primary caregivers’ (mostly mothers’) color-blind racial ideology (CBRI) was assessed through a questionnaire (reflecting global color blindness, as well as denial of institutional racism, White privilege, and blatant racial issues), and their implicit racial attitudes were assessed with a computerized test. Children’s sympathy toward Black victims and their equitable sympathy (difference score toward Black vs. White victims) was predicted by parents’ color blindness, implicit racial attitudes, and their interaction. Results indicated several interaction effects, such that parents’ denial of blatant racial attitudes and global CBRI were negatively related to children’s sympathy toward Black victims and equitable sympathy toward Black versus White victims, only when the parents held implicit racial attitudes that favored White people. In addition, parents’ denial of White privilege was negatively related to children’s sympathy toward Black victims. The findings are discussed in terms of potential ways to shape children’s race-based sympathy and compassion, particularly with an eye toward ways White parents might socialize sympathy toward historically marginalized youth.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)475-485
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Family Psychology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Nov 28 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • color-blind racial ideology
  • implicit racial attitudes
  • race-based sympathy
  • racial socialization
  • young White children

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Psychology


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