Applications of geographic information system in airfield infrastructure system management and maintenance

Chun Hsing Ho, Pedro Romero

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


New geographic information system (GIS) applications in airfield infrastructure system management and maintenance are discussed. Aviation activity is steadily increasing, and U.S. airport facilities must provide higher service quality and must increase capacities to accommodate projected aviation growth. In response to the increasing requirements from passengers and airliners, efficiency is the most important factor in airport operations and airfizeld facilities maintenance. Airport authorities, particularly at large commercial airports, increasingly understand the benefits in using GIS-based programs to plan and manage their airport facilities. An integrated GIS system combined with Geographic Positioning Systems and personal digital assistants provides a powerful tool that helps airport operators and engineers improve regular airfield inspection, management, and reporting processes, resulting in a more efficient airport operation system. GIS applications associated with other tools are introduced, and airport personnel are given several easy-to-learn GIS approaches and techniques. This is intended to help airports improve current airfield facility inspection processes and maintenance mechanisms. An implementation plan achieved at Kaohsiung International Airport in Taiwan was used to demonstrate how an integrated GIS system can help airport operators and engineers receive real-time facilities data, evaluate deterioration rates, and make policy decisions on maintenance and rehabilitation within a short time. This implementation plan is designed on a step-by-step basis that allows airport personnel to easily follow and apply the system to airport practice. Another example carried out at Salt Lake City International Airport (SIX) in Utah was used to show GIS applications in facilitating skid resistance evaluation of runway surfaces. By adding projection data to the airport image, SLC airport maintenance crews can graphically evaluate friction capacities of Runway 16L-34R and investigate potential factors that result in a reduction of skid resistance. Up-to-date GIS application approaches are shown so that airport personnel may develop a suitable GIS system that enables airports to improve their operation systems and increase aviation safety.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)100-109
Number of pages10
JournalTransportation Research Record
Issue number2052
StatePublished - 2008

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering


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