A glimpse into the future: Practice teaching in fifthgrade math

Michelle Novelli, Vicki Ross

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


In this chapter, we explore two intersecting plotlines of teacher knowledge and content knowledge through an experience in which we engaged our teacher candidates during our mathematics methods course. Teacher candidates were tasked with the challenge of creating hands-on, interactive activities for small groups of fifth-grade students based on a selected Common Core State Standard for Mathematics (CCSS-M) related to the area of fractions. Responsible for both planning and preparing their activities, the teacher candidates were the curriculum designers. What we designed as the practice teaching activity involved a morning of planning and implementing a fraction activity with small groups of fifthgraders in short sessions, making adjustments, prompting and cueing students, extending learning, managing behaviors and distractibility experiencing the early challenges and rewards of their first experiences in teaching gaining practice and feedback. Forming the core of this chapter is a narrative construction of Michelle's personal experience working with teacher candidates and fifth-grade students in practice teaching spaces for the first time, discovering moments along with our students, when they bridged the expansive gap from living as education students to feeling like beginning teachers. Teacher candidates' responses to the experience and reflections on their challenges and successes are shared.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)59-75
Number of pages17
JournalAdvances in Research on Teaching
StatePublished - 2017


  • Curriculum
  • Narrative inquiry
  • Planning and implementation
  • Practicum
  • Teacher identity
  • Teacher knowledge

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education


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