A crossover control study of three methods of heat acclimation on the magnitude and kinetics of adaptation

Lorenz S. Kissling, Ashley P. Akerman, Holly A. Campbell, Jamie R. Prout, Travis D. Gibbons, Kate N. Thomas, James D. Cotter

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7 Scopus citations


New Findings: What is the central question to the study? Are primary indices of heat adaptation (e.g., expansion of plasma volume and reduction in resting core temperature) differentially affected by the three major modes of short-term heat acclimation, that is, exercise in the heat, hot water immersion and sauna? What it the main finding and its importance? The three modes elicited typical adaptations expected with short-term heat acclimation, but these were not significantly different between modes. This comparison has not previously been made and highlights that individuals can expect similar adaptation to heat regardless of the mode used. Abstract: Heat acclimation (HA) can improve heat tolerance and cardiovascular health. The mode of HA potentially impacts the magnitude and time course of adaptations, but almost no comparative data exist. We therefore investigated adaptive responses to three common modes of HA, particularly with respect to plasma volume. Within a crossover repeated-measures design, 13 physically active participants (five female) undertook four, 5-day HA regimes (60 min/day) in randomised order, separated by ≥4 weeks. Rectal temperature (Tre) was clamped at neutrality via 36.6°C (thermoneutral) water immersion (TWI; i.e., control condition), or raised by 1.5°C via heat stress in 40°C water, sauna (55°C, 52% relative humidity), or exercise in humid heat (40°C, 52% relative humidity; ExH). Adaptation magnitude was assessed as the pooled response across days 4–6, while kinetics was assessed via the 6-day time series. Plasma volume expansion was similar in all heated conditions but only higher than TWI in exercise in the heat (ExH) (by 4%, P = 0.036). Approximately two-thirds of the expansion was attained within the initial 24 h and was moderately related to that present on day 6, regardless of HA mode (r = 0.560–0.887). Expansion was mediated by conservation of both sodium and albumin content, with little evidence for these having differential roles between modes (P = 0.706 and 0.320, respectively). Resting Tre decreased by 0.1–0.3°C in all heated conditions, and systolic blood pressure decreased by 4 mmHg, but not differentially between conditions (P ≥ 0.137). In conclusion, HA mode did not substantially affect the magnitude or rate of adaptation in key resting markers of short-term HA.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)337-349
Number of pages13
JournalExperimental Physiology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 1 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • exercise
  • heat acclimation
  • hot water immersion
  • plasma volume
  • sauna

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physiology
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Physiology (medical)


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