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Brian Boyd
- Management, Marketing, and Information Systems Management, Department of - Bilby Endowed Chair
- Business, The W.A. Franke College of (CoB) - Professor
Person: Academic
Diana Calvo Martinez
- Civil Engineering, Construction Management, and Environmental Engineering - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Marti Canipe
- Science Teaching & Learning, Center for (CSTL) - Associate Professor
- Teaching and Learning - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Greg Caporaso
- Biological Sciences - Professor
- Pathogen & Microbiome Institute (PMI) - Professor
Person: Academic
Alexandra Carpino
- Comparative Cultural Studies - Professor
- Arts and Letters, College of (CAL) - Associate Dean
Person: Academic
Natalie Cawood
- Health and Human Services, College of (CHHS) - Associate Dean
- Social Work - Professor
Person: Academic
Javier Ceja Navarro
- Biological Sciences - Associate Professor
- Ecosystem, Science, and Society, Center for - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Rita Cheng
- Economics, Finance, and Accounting, Department of - President Emerita, Professor
Person: Academic
Galen Collins
- Business, The W.A. Franke College of (CoB) - Associate Dean
- Hotel and Restaurant Management, School of - Professor
Person: Academic
Emily Cope
- Biological Sciences - Associate Professor
- Pathogen & Microbiome Institute (PMI) - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Jose Luis Cruz Rivera
- President, Office of the - President of Northern Arizona University
- Engineering, Steve Sanghi College of - Professor
- Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems, School of - Professor
Person: Academic
Carlo daCunha
- Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems, School of - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic