Vulcan Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide (FFCO2) Emissions Data Product version 3.0, 1km grid, ACES domain Updated: June 9, 2020 Principal Investigator: Kevin Gurney ([email protected]) Northern Arizona University Technical Contact: Geoffrey Roest ([email protected]) Northern Arizona University PREAMBLE FUNDING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Vulcan data product represents years of development with support from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. If you use the Vulcan data product in your research we kindly request that you cite the database and peer-reviewed paper establishing the data product (citations below) and acknowledge the funding agencies that have supported the Vulcan development as follows: “The Vulcan v3.0 data product was made possible through support from NASA grant NNX14AJ20G S07”. FAIR USE DISCLAIMER The Vulcan data product is an estimation of fossil fuel CO2 (FFCO2) emissions at fine time and space scales. It should be considered a “climatology” of emissions rather than the “weather” of emissions such that the estimates represent “typical” emissions at a given time and place (average conditions). Hence, it is not appropriate to use the data in comparison to short-term “campaign style” atmospheric measurements (e.g. 5 days of continuous monitoring at a specific location) without consideration and reference to the mismatch between the measurement and the Vulcan estimation approach. Users are encouraged to contact Kevin Gurney for updates and consultation on such potential use. In some instances, we consider it appropriate to include the Vulcan team in publications resulting from use of the Vulcan data product. SECTORAL COMPOSITION The Vulcan version 3.0 FFCO2 emissions represent emissions due to the combustion of fossil fuel and cement production in the United States. The emissions are generated using a bottom-up/engineering approach. The data sources lend themselves to categorization by economic sector. The native spatial resolution of the Vulcan FFCO2 emissions data product is a combination of points, lines, and polygons dictated primarily by the underlying data sources. The FFCO2 emissions are placed into a regularized continuous gridded landscape for ease of analysis and incorporation into atmospheric transport modeling efforts. The Vulcan version 3.0 FFCO2 emissions are generated using two time-resolutions: annual and hourly for the 5 year timespan of 2010 to 2015. The dataset reported here encompasses annual 2011 emissions for all sectors (electricity production [elec_prod], onroad, commercial, residential, industrial, nonroad, railroad, commercial marine vessels [cmv], cement production, and airport) in the same domain as the ACES FFCO2 data product (1, 2). The 95% confidence inverval for Vulcan emissions have been estimated using a combination of uncertainties for input values and are discribed in detail in the Vulcan v3.0 core manuscript. The "central" or "mean" estimate emission files are denoted with the abbreviation "mn", while the high and low bounds for the 95% CI are denoted with "hi" and "lo", respectively. DATA FILE NAMES AND FILE STRUCTURE The annual gridded FFCO2 emissions are written to netCDF format files. The netCDF files contain spatial metadata within the file header and use standard netCDF protocols. The annual netCDF files are structured with two dimensions representing the longitude (“X”=number of columns) and the latitude (“Y”=number of rows). The file name consists of three parts: the sectors, the uncertainty (hi, lo, or mn), and the year. GRID DOMAIN AND UNITS These Vulcan data are in the same grid as the ACES data product, which covers the northeastern United States. Table 1 shows the projection information and Table 2 shows the spatial extent, resolution and dimensions of the grid domain. The spatial units are in meters. The grid cell center coordinates (longitude/latitude) are listed within each netCDF file under the attributes ‘X’ and ‘Y’. The FFCO2 emissions units are in metric tons of carbon (tC). The CRS string is "+proj=lcc +lat_1=33 +lat_2=45 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-97 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0". Table 1. Projection information for the gridded Vulcan V3.0 FFCO2 emissions. Parameter Value Datum WGS84 Projection Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) Units Meters Longitude of origin -97 Latitude of origin 40 Ref. Latitude 1 33 Ref. Latitude 2 45 False easting 0 False northing 0 Table 2. Spatial domain definitions for the gridded Vulcan V3.0 FFCO2 emissions. Parameter Value Grid resolution 1 km Minimum longitude (west) 1352000 m Minimum latitude (south) -272000 m Maximum longitude (east) 2334000 m Maximum latitude (north) 1160000 m Number of columns 982 Number of rows 1432 CHECKSUMS To ensure correct interpretation and processing of the Vulcan version 3.0 results, Table 3 provides totals for the two domains and across the economic sectors. Table 3. Checksum FFCO2 emission values for the two Vulcan V3.0 domains and economic sectors. Sector Low (MtC) Mean (MtC) High (MtC) Airport 2.50 3.23 4.33 Cement 1.61 1.79 1.97 CMV 3.85 5.65 8.46 Commercial 21.34 22.18 23.45 Elec_prod 84.97 98.42 111.95 Industrial 23.92 31.09 41.84 Nonroad 10.46 10.99 11.60 Onroad 70.27 81.90 93.53 Rail 0.79 0.98 1.27 Residential 29.45 29.45 29.47 Total 249.16 285.69 327.88 REFERENCES (1) Gately, C., and L.R. Hutyra (2018) CMS: CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuels Combustion, ACES Inventory for Northeastern USA. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. (2) Gately, C. K., L. R. Hutyra (2017). Large uncertainties in urban-scale carbon emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122, 11,242–11,260. (3) Gurney, K. R., J. Liang, R. Patarasuk, Y. Song, J. Huang, G. Roest (2020). The Vulcan Version 3.0 High-Resolution Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions for the United States. Under review at Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
Date made available | 2020 |
Publisher | Harvard Dataverse |