pysal/pysal: v24.07rc2

  • Luc Anselin (Contributor)
  • Sergio J. Rey (Contributor)
  • Martin Fleischmann (Contributor)
  • Andrew Winslow (Contributor)
  • David Folch (Contributor)
  • Philip J. Stephens (Contributor)
  • Pedro Vasconcelos Maia Do Amaral (Contributor)
  • Levi John Wolf (Contributor)
  • Omar Khursheed (Contributor)
  • Stefanie Lumnitz (Contributor)
  • Taylor M. Oshan (Contributor)
  • Andrew M. Annex (Contributor)
  • Nicholas R. Malizia (Contributor)
  • Karl Werner (Contributor)
  • Charles Schmidt (Contributor)
  • James D. Gaboardi (Contributor)
  • Eli Knaap (Contributor)
  • Daniel Arribas-Bel (Contributor)
  • Wei Kang (Contributor)
  • Jay Laura (Contributor)



Overall, there were 363 commits that closed 213 issues since our last release on 2024-01-31. Changes by Package libpysal v4.11.0 #698: ENH: Graph IO to classic weights file formats #695: import libpysal stuck on loading remote examples #718: Add timeout in request to handle off-line use cases in examples #719: COMPAT: remove typing from Graph.describe #716: Categorical spatial lag using the Graph #711: ENH: implement Graph.repr #717: ENH: include Graph.describe() to describe neighbourhood values #529: [DO NOT MERGE] Change to the new sparse arrays and see what breaks #715: PERF: sorting-related improvements in Graph #714: Refactor handling of coincident points in triangulation #713: Co-location issues with Graph triangulation builders #694: ENH: add Graph.build_h3 #667: Build Graph from H3 #710: PERF: don't build coincident lookup if not needed #709: BUG: misaligned weights in the gabriel graph #708: add back numba in Py312 tests #590: check when numba is ready for Python 3.12 #703: DOC: add examples to build_contiguity and build_triangulation #697: REF: minor performance improvements in Graph #704: Added examples to from_dicts and build_knn. #705: DOC: Add examples to build_distance_band #702: DOC: add examples to build_block_contiguity #701: DOC: add example to Graph.to_W #700: DOC: clarify the requirements of the canonical sorting of Graph index #687: Ensure Graph.sparse is robust enough #696: [] pre-commit autoupdate #693: Work around GEOS issue in voronoi_frames #691: REF: refactor Graph.to_W to avoid perf bottleneck #672: Graph.to_W is slow #692: COMPAT: compatibility with pandas 3 #678: ENH: geometry agnostic Voronoi based on shapely #665: Interest in Optimal Spatial Matching? #685: REF: remove usage of deprecated cascaded_union #686: TST: resolve FutureWarnings in graph apply tests #684: ImportError: cannot import name 'np' from 'libpysal.common' #683: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 pointpats v2.5.0 #140: update min supported Python and testing workflow #141: bump & sync min reqs [2024-06] #139: minimum support Python [2024-06] #138: fix typo in random.normal function #133: REF: reimplement mrr on top of shapely #136: localknox #137: Typo in random.normal method that results in errors #134: keep members of local knox hotspots spaghetti v1.7.6 #771: #770 -- doctests after full tests #770: doctests as separate action or workflow #769: update docstring tests -- numpy-2.0 failures #767: current CI failures [2024-06-19] #768: fix doctests in CI -- numpy 2.0 #765: [] pre-commit autoupdate #764: gpd & shp as hard reqs -- no optional testing -- #763 #763: 310-no-optional CI failures [2024-03-16] #762: 312-dev CI failures [2024-03-16] #761: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 momepy v0.7.2 #625: DOC: update user guide to avoid MultiIndex #631: DOC: update rest of the guide #628: DOC: User guide fixes for elements examples #626: REF: remove result_index attribute from describe_agg #627: REF: do not return building_id from generate_blocks #606: BUG: verify handling of MultiIndex #622: ENH: either support MultiIndex or raise an error when one is given #624: DOC: update docstrings to match numpy2 outputs #623: TYP: add type hints to the graph module #579: API: distinction between libpysal and networkx graphs #621: BUG: fix a case when there's only a single building to be passed to voronoi_frames #620: ENH: add mean_deviation #619: API: deprecate legacy API in favour of Graph-based functional implementation #612: API: deprecate legacy API #618: minor type hinting fix #617: API: allow silencing of FutureWarnings from legacy API #616: DOC: expose get_nearest_node, fix fmt #615: DOC: remaining examples in the new API #610: DOC: add examples #614: update precommit to ruff docs dir #613: DOC: ruff user guide #611: DOC: add first batch of examples + testing #609: Faster node density #608: BUG: fix describe_ function when count is not present #543: GHA: switch to autogenerated release notes #582: BUG/ENH: support custom enclosure index is in tessellation and GeoDataFrame as enclosure input #592: DOC: add citation.cff #544: DOC: update dev installation instructions #576: functional node_density implementation #575: functional reached calculations #572: functional courtyards calculation #570: ENH: describe as a replacement of AverageCharacter #566: ENH: street_alignment and get_nearest_street #559: ENH: refactor tessellation #557: ENH: add neighbors #556: ENH: mean_interbuilding_distance and building_adjacency #555: ENH: neighbor_distance using Graph and new API #554: ENH: add alignment to the new API #553: ENH: add orientation and shared_walls functional versions #600: ENH: add get_nearest_node #593: Street profile #590: ENH: adaptive buffer as a tessellation limit #589: Functional percentiles #588: Functional distribution #587: Functional dimension #586: Functional density #584: _describe API refactoring #583: Functional arearatio #581: Functional diversity #580: Functional blocks #607: Update release.yml - troubleshoot release action failure #604: gha for release notes - #543 #396: ENH: helper functions for geometry-based network simplification #461: TestDistribution.test_MeanInterbuildingDistance failure on dev #304: Add GitHub Action to build and push container #537: BUG: tessellation may produce overlapping polygons #261: EHN: Add SkyViewFactor #603: DOC: execute notebooks and ensure they're tested #264: ENH: Simple Building Volume Density #465: ENH: helper functions part 1 #562: test efficiency of graphblas in straightness #602: API: return morphological tessellation as a GeoDataFrame #601: DOC: create usable env on RTD, update clustering #599: DOC: User guide refresh #598: DOC: note on a precision issue in enclosed_tessellation #597: DOC: rework API docs around the new functional stuff #596: COMPAT: numpy 2.0 compatibility #585: Functional count #594: DEP: bump libpysal minimum to 4.11 #406: API: deprecation decorators for transition to functional API #317: Add citation.cff #310: ENH: refactor get_network_id based on sindex.nearest_all #359: Add osmnx_like keyword to gdf_to_nx #478: Enclosure function does not work correctly #525: Networkx deprecations #497: Resolve geopandas deprecations #577: more complete linting & formatting - docs & benchmarks #578: linting & formatting for benchmarks/* and docs/* #307: gitcount #574: MAINT: compatibility, warning cleanup, test lint #571: REF: speed-up describe using numba #538: ENH: reimplement tessellation using shapely spreg v1.5.0 #138: Minor adjustments to printouts and spatial impacts #136: Version 1.5 #137: Update unittests.yml -- manual trigger #130: Bump actions/github-script from 6 to 7 #131: Bump conda-incubator/setup-miniconda from 2 to 3 #133: Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 #134: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 mapclassify v2.7.0 #211: WIP classify to rgba #216: plot histogram with class bins #221: [] pre-commit autoupdate #215: Add monthly downloads badge to README #217: doctest failures [2024-06-23] #220: CI: test against Python 3.12 #219: CI: doctest only on ubuntu latest #218: CI: ensure 3.9 envs are compatible #214: [CI] failing dev from libpysal.graph --> numpy.float_ #210: COMPAT: make greedy compatible with future #209: 311-dev CI failures [2024-04-01] #208: [] pre-commit autoupdate #207: 311-dev CI failures [2024-03-16] #206: Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 spopt v0.6.1 #457: fix numpy=2.0.0 compat -- #456 #456: numpy>=2.0 failures -- [2024-06-19] #454: add OR_classic_problem to README #449: testing code cleanup #452: numpy DeprecationWarning within pyproj #451: codecov acting up a bit – update action #450: "Generate and publish the report" not working - remove #448: better raises/warns control + DRY out testing #453: FutureWarning: The 'unary_union' attribute is deprecated – ignore for now? #437: work on resolving warning in CI (2024-01) #447: Fix service radius in LSCP GIS notebook #446: Unable to run through LSCP example #445: [] pre-commit autoupdate #444: re- lint & re-format repo – #438 #438: lint spopt/tests/* #443: 312-dev CI failures [2024-03-17] pysal v24.07rc2 #1342: Update release tooling for 24.01rc2 #1332: Fix package links #1336: PR template & contrib updates #1335: update #1334: update chat link in #1329: explicit intel chip test for macOS #1328: update README format badge #1327: update black -> ruff badge on README #1188: new open-source alternative to GitHub #1164: spatialpandas? #1301: Pin on dependencies #1325: Update build instructions in tools #1326: prune tools dir - #1320 #1320: pruning the tools/ directory #1321: release action update & general cleaning up #1319: remove gitreleases.ipynb? #1318: remove #1317: need for Makefile? #1316: remove .coveragerc #1315: remove #1314: remove requirements*.txt files #1313: update release_and_publish.yml #1312: 24.07rc1 #1306: remove legacy ci/travis/38-latest-conda-forge.yaml #1307: migrate from, etc. to consolidated pyproject.toml #1311: Fix doc build #1294: TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'Point' #1275: PySAL GSOC 2023 #1258: GSoC 2022 Interfaces for Consistent API Design: Library-wide Discussion #1254: Spatiol Temporal Prediction #1246: Move to single directory and auto generate/publish docs #1299: update unittests.yml workflow #1310: add action for building docs #1305: ci update #1308: Dead link alert #1309: Fix nb links #1198: Fedora 33 with LLVM 11 and Python 3.9 breaks giddy and splot installation #1302: pin packages in requirements.txt #1303: Bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 #1297: update chat links: gitter >> discord Contributors Many thanks to all of the following individuals who contributed to this release: Anastassiavybornova Anna Brazdova Daniela Dančejová Eli Knaap Germano Barcelos James Gaboardi Krasen Samardzhiev Levi John Wolf Lisa Marek Novotný Martin Fleischmann Pedro Amaral Ryanzomorrodi Serge Rey Stevee404
Date made availableJul 15 2024

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