Funded through NSF MARGINS, this Gulf of California experiment (PESCADOR: Premiere Experiment, Sea of Cortez, Addressing the Development of Oblique Rifting) involved two ships, the R/V Maurice Ewing and the R/V New Horizon. The Ewing provided the acoustic source and acquired multi-channel seismic data, and the New Horizon tended to 206 deployments of ocean bottom seismometers. The purpose was to delineate the geometries and patterns of crustal extension and rift magmatism along three main conjugate margins across Alarcon, Guaymas and Delfin Basins (to study the south to north seafloor-spreading to non-spreading mode) and a E-W profile along Wagner Basin (to study the low-angle detachment fault at depth). The questions to be addressed included strain partitioning, volumetric and emplacement style of rift magmatism, along-axis differences in extension style and the influence of sedimentation on deformation. This data set consists of real-time stacks made at sea. Funded by NSF grants OCE01-11983, OCE01-12149, OCE01-12058, OCE01-12152, and OCe01-11738.
Date made available | 2018 |
Publisher | Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA) |
Geospatial Polygon | 20.886459, -105.53595, 28.085108, -112.831566 |