This dataset provides version 2 of global gridded estimates of carbon, energy, and hydrologic fluxes between the land and atmosphere from 17 Terrestrial Biosphere Models (TBMs) participating the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP). Model estimates are at monthly and yearly time steps for the period 1901 to 2010, with a spatial resolution of 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree globally, excluding Antarctica. The 17 TBMs include BIOME-BGC, CLM4, DLEM, GTEC, JPL-CENTURY, LPJ-wsl, SiB3, TEM6, VEGAS2.1, CLASS-CTEM-N, CLM4VIC, ISAM, JPL-HYLAND, ORCHIDEE-LSCE, SiBCASA, TRIPLEX-GHG, VISIT. An ensemble of key output variables (i.e., GPP, NEE, NEP, NPP, TotalResp, TotLivBiom, and TotSoilCarb) from these 17 TBMS is also provided.
Date made available | 2021 |
Publisher | ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center |
Date of data production | Jan 1 2001 - Dec 31 2010 |
Geospatial Polygon | -90.0, 180.0, 90.0, -180.0 |