Long-chain alkyl diol record from an alpine lake in southern Spain

  • Antonio García-Alix (Contributor)
  • Jaime L. Toney (Contributor)
  • Gonzalo Jiménez-Moreno (Contributor)
  • C. Pérez-Martínez (Contributor)
  • Laura Jiménez (Contributor)
  • M. Rodrigo-Gámiz (Contributor)
  • Anderson R. Scott (Contributor)
  • Jon Camuera (Contributor)
  • Francisco J. Jiménez Espejo (Contributor)
  • Dhais Peña-Angulo (Contributor)
  • María J. Ramos-Román (Contributor)



This dataset includes the fractional abundances of the long-chain alkyl diol (LCD) record for the last ca. 9000 years of an alpine lake, Laguna de Río Seco (LdRS) at 3020 masl, in the Sierra Nevada (southern Spain), along with four reconstructed reference temperature time-series (from 1908 to 2008 CE at 3020 masl) used for the LCD-temperature calibration. Six main LCD isomers have been identified: C28 and C30 1,13-diols, C28 and C30 1,14-diols, and C30 and C32 1,15-diols. Four reference temperature series have been reconstructed at 3020 masl from 1) the temperature shifts between reference low elevation observatories and LdRS site: reference temperature time-series 1a (from Madrid data), and reference temperature time-series 1b (from Sevilla data), and from 2) the direct comparison between Madrid and Sevilla temperatures and those from the observatory Cetursa 5 (3020 masl, Sierra Nevada) by means of ordinary least square regressions: reference temperature time-series 2a (from Madrid data), and reference temperature time-series 2b (from Sevilla data).
Date made availableDec 20 2023
Geographical coverageLOCATION: Sierra Nevada, Spain
Geospatial Polygon37.05222, -3.34556, 37.05222, -3.34556

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