Fire influences on forest recovery and associated climate feedbacks in Siberian Larch Forests, Russia, June-July 2018

  • Heather D. Alexander (Creator)
  • Jennie DeMarco (Creator)
  • Rebecca E. Hewitt (Creator)
  • Jeremy W. Lichstein (Creator)
  • Michael M. Loranty (Creator)
  • Michelle Mack (Creator)
  • Ryan McEwan (Creator)
  • Alison K. Paulson (Creator)



The primary objective of this research is to determine the causes of varying post-fire tree recruitment within larch forests of eastern Siberia and consequences for climate feedbacks via changes in C storage and albedo using a combination of field-based measurements, dendrochronological analysis, remotely-sensed data, and statistical modelling. This dataset contains field data from 6 burned areas in eastern Siberia, collected during June and July 2018. Within each burned area, we measured larch seedling recruitment (density and size), overstory, understory, and shrub composition, active layer depth, soil organic layer composition, soil nutrients, and canopy cover. 5. In "intensive plots" with varying larch seedling density within the five burned areas, we collected detailed information on larch recruitment age, size, and density, mycorrhizal abundance and composition on larch seedling roots, soil organic layer characteristics, understory vegetation, ectomycorrhizal host presence, canopy cover, and soil nutrients, moisture, and temperature.
Date made available2018
PublisherUC Santa Barbara

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