FIGURES 36–48. Cyptophania costalis n in Genus Cyptophania Banks (Psocodea: ' Psocoptera': Lepidopsocidae): unique features, augmented description of the generotype, and descriptions of three new species

  • Edward L. Mockford (Contributor)
  • J. Judson Wynne (Contributor)



FIGURES 36–48. Cyptophania costalis n.sp., female, structures. Figs 36–38: Lacinial tips. (36) San Juan, Puerto Rico; (37) Florida Keys; (38) Coastal Veracruz, Mexico; Figs 39–41: inner edges of hind coxae showing coxal rasps. (39) San Juan, Puerto Rico; (40) Florida Keys; (41) Coastal Veracruz, Mexico; (42) Pretarsal claw (Puerto Rico, but representative of each of the populations); (43) Ovipositor valvulae (Puerto Rico, no differences noted in other populations); Figs 44–46: Collars of spermathecal duct. (44) San Juan, Puerto Rico; (45) Florida Keys; (46) Coastal Veracruz, Mexico; Figs 47–48: spermathecal sacs. (47) Florida Keys; (48) San Juan, Puerto Rico. Scale bars = 0.1 mm unless indicated otherwise.
Date made availableDec 31 2013

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