FIGURE 4 in A matrix-based revision of the genus Hypogena Dejean, 1834 (Coleoptera Tenebrionidae)

  • Luna Grey (Contributor)
  • Aaron D. Smith (Contributor)



FIGURE 4: Majority-rule consensus of 88 most parsimonious trees (Length: 310) of Hypogena and closely related taxa based on morphology. Proportion of supporting MP trees listed below branches. Non-parametric bootstrap values (BS), from 1000 pseudo-replicates, shown above branches and posterior probabilities (PP) from Bayesian analyses (20,000,000 generations, 50% burn-in, sample frequency: 1000) shown above branches (BS/PP). Scores lower than 50 BS or 0.5PP not shown.
Date made availableMay 25 2020

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