FIGURE 2. Entomobrya manuhoko n in Collembola of Rapa Nui (Easter Island) with descriptions of five endemic cave-restricted species

  • Ernest C. Bernard (Contributor)
  • J. Judson Wynne (Contributor)
  • Felipe N. Soto-Adames (Contributor)



FIGURE 2. Entomobrya manuhoko n. sp. A) Anterior edge of labrum. B) Labial palpus. C) Setae along labial base. D) Maxillary palpus. E) Apex of Ant. IV. F) Trochanteral organ. G) Hind foot. H) Chaetotaxy of ventral tube: an, anterior; la, lateral; po, posterior. I) Male genital plate. J) Manubrial plate region; black circles with slash represent pseudopores, two mesosetae drawn to show relative sizes. K) Mucro.
Date made availableDec 31 2015

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