Figure 1 from: McCabe LM, Chesshire PR, Smith DR, Wolf A, Gibbs J, Griswold TL, Wright KW, Cobb NS (2020) Bee species checklist of the San Francisco Peaks, Arizona. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e49285.

  • Lindsie M. McCabe (Contributor)
  • Paige Chesshire (Contributor)
  • David R. Smith (Contributor)
  • Atticus Wolf (Contributor)
  • Jason Gibbs (Contributor)
  • Terry L. Griswold (Contributor)
  • Karen W. Wright (Contributor)
  • Neil Cobb (Contributor)



Figure 1 Map of collection instances on the San Francisco Peaks with life zones coded by color (dark red = desert shrub, orange = desert grassland, yellow = pinyon-juniper, green = ponderosa pine, dark green = mixed conifer, blue = spruce-fir and white = alpine). Black dots indicate our 58 survey plots from 2009–2019. Black triangles represent any unique collection instance gathered through SCAN, GBIF & iDigBio.
Date made availableApr 10 2020

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