Dataset for: Bedding scale correlation on Mars in western Arabia Terra

  • Andrew M. Annex (Contributor)
  • Kevin Lewis (Contributor)
  • Ari H.D. Koeppel (Contributor)
  • Christopher Edwards (Contributor)



Data for: Bedding scale correlation on Mars in western Arabia Terra A.M. Annex et al. Data Product Overview This repository contains all source data for the publication. Below is a description of each general data product type, software that can load the data, and a list of the file names along with the short description of the data product. HiRISE Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). HiRISE DEMs produced using the Ames Stereo Pipeline are in geotiff format ending with ‘*X_0_DEM-adj.tif’, the “X” prefix denotes the spatial resolution of the data product in meters. Geotiff files are able to be read by free GIS software like QGIS. HiRISE map-projected imagery (DRGs). Map-projected HiRISE images produced using the Ames Stereo Pipeline are in geotiff format ending with ‘*0_Y_DRG-cog.tif’, the “Y” prefix denotes the spatial resolution of the data product in centimeters. Geotiff files are able to be read by free GIS software like QGIS. The DRG files are formatted as COG-geotiffs for enhanced compression and ease of use. 3D Topography files (.ply). Traingular Mesh versions of the HiRISE/CTX topography data used for 3D figures in “.ply” format. Meshes are greatly geometrically simplified from source files. Topography files can be loaded in a variety of open source tools like ParaView and Meshlab. Textures can be applied using embedded texture coordinates. 3D Geological Model outputs (.vtk) VTK 3D file format files of model output over the spatial domain of each study site. VTK files can be loaded by ParaView open source software. The “block” files contain the model evaluation over a regular grid over the model extent. The “surfaces” files contain just the bedding surfaces as interpolated from the “block” files using the marching cubes algorithm. Geological Model geologic maps. Geologic maps from geological models are standard geotiffs readable by conventional GIS software. The maximum value for each geologic map is the “no-data” value for the map. Geologic maps are calculated at a lower resolution than the topography data for storage efficiency. Beds Geopackage File. Geopackage vector data file containing all mapped layers and associated metadata including dip corrected bed thickness as well as WKB encoded 3D linestrings representing the sampled topography data to which the bedding orientations were fit. Geopackage files can be read using GIS software like QGIS and ArcGIS as well as the OGR/GDAL suite. A full description of each column in the file is provided below. Column Type Description uuid String unique identifier stratum_order Real 0-indexed bed order section Real section number layer_id Real bed number/index layer_id_bk Real unused backup bed number/index source_raster String dem file path used raster String dem file name gsd Real ground sampling distant for dem wkn String well known name for dem rtype String raster type minx Real minimum x position of trace in dem crs miny Real minimum y position of trace in dem crs maxx Real maximum x position of trace in dem crs maxy Real maximum y position of trace in dem crs method String internal interpolation method sl Real slope in degrees az Real azimuth in degrees error Real maximum error ellipse angle stdr Real standard deviation of the residuals semr Real standard error of the residuals X Real mean x position in CRS Y Real mean y position in CRS Z Real mean z position in CRS b1 Real plane coefficient 1 b2 Real plane coefficient 2 b3 Real plane coefficient 3 b1_se Real standard error plane coefficient 1 b2_se Real standard error plane coefficient 2 b3_se Real standard error plane coefficient 3 b1_ci_low Real plane coefficient 1 95% confidence interval low b1_ci_high Real plane coefficient 1 95% confidence interval high b2_ci_low Real plane coefficient 2 95% confidence interval low b2_ci_high Real plane coefficient 2 95% confidence interval high b3_ci_low Real plane coefficient 3 95% confidence interval low b3_ci_high Real plane coefficient 3 95% confidence interval high pca_ev_1 Real pca explained variance ratio pc 1 pca_ev_2 Real pca explained variance ratio pc 2 pca_ev_3 Real pca explained variance ratio pc 3 condition_number Real condition number for regression n Integer64 number of data points used in regression rls Integer(Boolean) unused flag demeaned_regressions Integer(Boolean) centering indicator meansl Real mean section slope meanaz Real mean section azimuth angular_error Real angular error for section mB_1 Real mean plane coefficient 1 for section mB_2 Real mean plane coefficient 2 for section mB_3 Real mean plane coefficient 3 for section R Real mean plane normal orientation vector magnitude num_valid Integer64 number of valid planes in section meanc Real mean stratigraphic position medianc Real median stratigraphic position stdc Real standard deviation of stratigraphic index stec Real standard error of stratigraphic index was_monotonic_increasing_layer_id Integer(Boolean) monotonic layer_id after projection to stratigraphic index was_monotonic_increasing_meanc Integer(Boolean) monotonic meanc after projection to stratigraphic index was_monotonic_increasing_z Integer(Boolean) monotonic z increasing after projection to stratigraphic index meanc_l3sigma_std Real lower 3-sigma meanc standard deviation meanc_u3sigma_std Real upper 3-sigma meanc standard deviation meanc_l2sigma_sem Real lower 3-sigma meanc standard error meanc_u2sigma_sem Real upper 3-sigma meanc standard error thickness Real difference in meanc thickness_fromz Real difference in Z value dip_cor Real dip correction dc_thick Real thickness after dip correction dc_thick_fromz Real z thickness after dip correction dc_thick_dev Integer(Boolean) dc_thick 15 xyz_wkb_hex String hex encoded wkb geometry for all points used in regression Stratrigraphic Column Files. Stratigraphic columns computed from the Geological Models come in three kinds of Geopackage vector files indicated by the postfixes _sc, rbsc, and rbssc. File names include the wkn site name. sc Geopackage vector data file containing measured bed thicknesses from Geological Model joined with corresponding Beds Geopackage file, subsetted partially. The columns largely overlap with the the list above for the Beds Geopackage but with the following additions Column Type Description X Real X position of thickness measurement Y Real Y position of thickness measurement Z Real Z position of thickness measurement formation String Model required string representation of bed index bed thickness (m) Real difference of bed elevations azimuths Real azimuth as measured from model in degrees dip_degrees Real dip as measured from model in degrees Dip corrected bed thickness (m) Real dip corrected bed thickness in meters lower_point Real lower bed elevation in meters upper_point Real upper bed elevation in meters _formation Real integer number of formation string layer_iid Integer64 integer number of layer_id bascom_baryte_diff_bt Real diff. in thickness from geomodel measurements bascom_baryte_diff_dcbt Real diff. in dip cor. thicknesses ’’ rbsc Geopackage vector file containing virtual boreholes with high resolution vertical sampling placed in a regular grid in the spatial extent of the DEM with the following columns. Column Type Description formation String Model required string representation of bed index pred_z Real Z value of bedding plane layer_id Integer64 Bed Index from Beds Geopackage file section Real section number thickness Real thickness of the layer predicted by model geom Point contains X,Y,Z of point in dem CRS rbssc Geopackage vector file containing virtual boreholes with high resolution vertical sampling placed at the centroids for each section within the spatial extent of the DEM with the following columns. Column Type Description formation String Model required string representation of bed index pred_z Real Z value of bedding plane layer_id Integer64 Bed Index from Beds Geopackage file section Real section number thickness Real thickness of the layer predicted by model geom Point contains X,Y,Z of point in dem CRS crescent_shapes Geopackage vector file containing the measurements of the crescent features. Column Type Description azimuth Real Azimuth of the crescent feature in degrees
Date made availableJan 27 2023

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