We implemented multilocus selection in a spatially-explicit, individual-based framework that enables multivariate environmental gradients to drive selection in many loci as a new module for the landscape genetics programs, CDPOP and CDMetaPOP. Our module simulates multilocus selection using a linear additive model, providing a flexible platform to evaluate a wide range of genotype-environment associations. Importantly, the module allows simulation of selection in any number of loci under the influence of any number of environmental variables. We validated the module with individual-based selection simulations under Wright-Fisher assumptions (Figure 3 and data provided here). We then evaluated results for simulations under a simple landscape selection model (Figure 4 and data provided here). Next, we simulated individual-based multilocus selection across a complex selection landscape with three loci linked to three different environmental variables (Figure 5 and data provided here). Finally, we demonstrated how the program can be used to simulate multilocus selection under varying selection strengths across different levels of gene flow in a landscape genetics framework (Figure 6 and data provided here). This new module provides a valuable addition to the study of landscape genetics, allowing for explicit evaluation of the contributions and interactions between gene flow and selection-driven processes across complex, multivariate environmental and landscape conditions.
Date made available | Nov 26 2019 |
Publisher | DRYAD |