This data was gathered to explore patterns of vegetation recovery after fire in the boreal forests of the Northwest Territories, Canada. Vegetation and environmental data was collected from a chronosequence of sampling sites ranging from one to 275 years after fire covering both the Taiga Shield and Taiga Plains Ecoregions. The dataset is comprised of three data sheets: Jorgensen et al_SpeciesRelativeAbundance includes presence and absence data per plot for a selection of vascular plant and lichen species, as well as associated environmental variables and site information. Each species has a "presence" column and an "absence" column, adding to five, indicating the number of quadrats per plot where the species was found. Jorgensen et al_VegetationCommunityComposition includes abundance indices (from 1-5) per plot for all vascular and non-vascular species used in manuscript ordinations (excluded: species present in only one plot, species causing anomalies - see manuscript for more information). Jorgensen et al_SeedlingSaplingCounts includes counts of the number of seedlings and saplings
Date made available | 2023 |
Publisher | Borealis |