Additional file 2: Table S1. of Differential responses of carbon and water vapor fluxes to climate among evergreen needleleaf forests in the USA

  • Asko Noormets (Contributor)
  • Kim Novick (Contributor)
  • Sonia Wharton (Contributor)
  • Xiangming Xiao (Contributor)
  • Beverly Law (Contributor)
  • Thomas E. Kolb (Northern Arizona University) (Contributor)
  • Peter D. Blanken (Contributor)
  • Russ Monson (Contributor)
  • Sabina Dore (Contributor)
  • Jiquan Chen (Contributor)
  • Prasanna H. Gowda (Contributor)
  • Pradeep Wagle (Contributor)



The coefficient of determination (R 2) for the relationships of gross primary production (GPP) and net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) with evapotranspiration (ET) during the carbon uptake period at ten forest sites. (DOCX 12 kb)
Date made availableDec 1 2016
Publisherfigshare Academic Research System

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