Additional file 1 of First detection of ranavirus in a wild population of Dybowski’s brown frog (Rana dybowskii) in South Korea

  • Nam-Yong Ra (Contributor)
  • Daesik Park (Contributor)
  • Nam-Ho Roh (Contributor)
  • Alejandro Grajal-Puche (Contributor)
  • Jaejin Park (Contributor)
  • Il-Kook Park (Contributor)



Additional file 1 PCR detection of the MCP sequence of ranavirus from the liver tissues of dead Rana dybowskii’s adults. The numbers on the bands represent individual frogs. P, positive MCP sequence control of ranavirus from Rana huarenensis tadpoles and N, negative control, which used nuclease-free water instead of extracted DNA in PCR process.
Date made availableJan 1 2021
Publisherfigshare Academic Research System

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